Wraparound is an intense home-based service for children and families who are at higher risk – i.e. the youth is at risk of going to an inpatient psychiatric hospital, the youth has had multiple psychiatric hospitalizations, the youth has been suspended or expelled from school, the youth is involved with law enforcement, etc. The family works with a Care Coordinator (someone with a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a MH related field) and a Family Support Provider (A person who has experience raising a child with behavioral or emotional issues – typically a parent). The CC and FSP assist the family in the development of a “Family Team.” The family team is made up of people close to the family (extended family members, friends, people from their church, neighbors, the child’s coach, etc.) whose role is to help the family meet their needs. The CC and FSP assist the family by developing detailed crisis / safety plans that will help the family know how to respond to crisis situations. Each family develops an individualized Care Plan that is designed to address the specific needs each family has. Wraparound is a strengths-based approach to working with children and families and has shown to be very successful for many, many families.