GRAND Mental Health GRAND Mental Health
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Relapse Prevention.

Serving clients discharging from the Adult Rehabilitation Center in the Tulsa area by providing additional 24/7 support to assist in recovery and prevent relapse


I’ve struggled with relapses before. GRAND’s iPad program has given me a direct line to help when I need it.

-Robert D

Help, At The Touch Of A Button.

The Adult Rehabilitation Center in Tulsa utilizes iPads as a core part of their curriculum. It gives them a direct line to help whenever triggered and enables them to have virtual sessions when an urgent need arises. Clients keep these iPads upon discharge and some clients are provided with iPads in outpatient services even if they have never been in detox or residential treatment if they are identified as one of our most vulnerable.

When someone is feeling triggered to drink or use drugs, they can push the crisis button on their iPad and talk with a mental health professional to assist them through their trigger to use. The mental health professional can walk the individual through their coping skills, help them through a relaxation technique, or help them to get to a nearby crisis unit if needed.