GRAND Mental Health GRAND Mental Health
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Individual Therapy.

Bringing mental health professionals and people in need together, one-on-one, to talk about, process, and work towards helping the person reduce or eliminate the negative impacts and symptoms that accompany a mental health diagnosis or problem.


Therapy has been—and still is—a lifeline. It has helped me through so much that I couldn’t do alone.

-Anthony S

Working Together To Work Through It.

Individual therapy allows a person in need to talk about and process their feelings, better understand their emotions and thinking patterns, and gain coping skills and strategies to manage the difficulties that certain mental health issues bring. Therapy comes in many forms, but the more commonly used therapy types are cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational, interviewing, and supportive counseling and therapy.

At The Heart Of Our Care.

Individual therapy is foundation for the work we do at GRAND Mental Health. We provide it virtually, in all our clinics, in clients’ homes, in schools, and in various settings across the communities we serve. The benefits are too vast to list, but they always focus on our client’s stated goal.