GRAND Mental Health GRAND Mental Health
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Crisis Transport.

Working with law enforcement, hospitals, and clinics to provide 24/7 transport service for clients in need of stabilization. Our teams respond immediately after assessment and get people in crisis to a unit without using local police or taking up space in hospitals.


This program has taken the burden of responsibility off law enforcement and freed up my officers to get back on the street rather than transporting people to crisis units.

-Jamie R., Police Sergeant

Helping Law Enforcement, Hospitals, And People in Crisis.

Our Crisis Transport service offers a win-win-win situation. In the past, when a person in crisis was taken into custody by law enforcement, they typically had to wait hours for evaluation and transport to a crisis unit because of the overwhelming workload already faced by police and hospitals. GRAND’s 24/7 transport teams now fill that gap. They respond immediately after assessment, begin therapeutic care upon arrival, and provide transportation to the appropriate crisis unit.

Law enforcement can get back on the job more quickly and hospitals can open up space for other patients. For the person in crisis, instead of being restrained for hours by law enforcement and waiting in an emergency room for hours in front of other citizens, transport to crisis units is fast and discrete.