GRAND Mental Health GRAND Mental Health
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Partnering Together for Calmer Classrooms and Brighter Futures

BISS, Behavioral Intervention Services in Schools, is a program that provides extra support for students, giving them one-on-one help with behavioral needs while in school. Launched in 2016, BISS has grown to serve more than 130 schools in Northeastern and North Central Oklahoma, greatly benefitting students and their families, along with the teachers, counselors, and administrators who invest in their lives.

I can't even begin to describe or put into words how important this program is.

-Kristin T., Parent

Making A Difference For Your Child, At School And At Home.

  • Our Goal Image

    Our Goal

    For your child to be successful in:

    • Grades
    • Classroom behavior
    • Attendence
    • Test scores
    • Decreased suspensions
    • And more!
  • We Provide Image

    We Provide

    • Behavioral health coaches (in class!)
    • Crisis stabilization
    • Individual treatment services
    • Behavioral interventions
    • Family support
    • After school programs
    • Training and consulatation for teachers
    • Additional support and resources

Supporting Principals, Teachers, And Staff

  • Video Play Button

    A Success Story | BISS Program

Supporting Principals, Teachers, And Staff

Through BISS, students get one-on-one help with behavior needs while remaining in school and teachers and staff get the support they need to do their jobs, brining positive change to the entire school.

If you get the opportunity to have GRAND in your school, do it! You will not be sorry. It will help change the culture of your school. They are there to support you.

-Natalie F., Principal

Get Support For Your Child Or Your School

If you are a parent interested in BISS for your child, call (844) 458-2100.